CUE Cards
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Squirrel Glider

The Squirrel Glider, or “Petaurus norfolcensis” - a tree dwelling marsupial with a bushy tail and a membrane of skin between its limbs that it uses to glide through the air.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Then, after creating the sun, moon, stars, the land and plants, God thought: what if we had this funny looking flying possum? God chuckled, and proceeded to create the Squirrel Glider, or “Petaurus norfolcensis” - a tree dwelling marsupial with a bushy tail and a membrane of skin between its limbs that it uses to glide through the air.

These nocturnal possums can glide up to 100 metres with the assistance of a downhill slope and up to 50 metres over flat terrain. In a group, squirrel gliders will talk to each other through a soft guttural call interspersed with gurgling chatter. When danger is nearby, they will raise the alarm with a loud “yip!”

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