It truly must be the end of the world - we're finally featuring Molluscs, Worms and Water Bugs in a league and look what it's done to the rules graphic:
At least it's got a pretty chunky buff on the Oceans & Seas arena this week, and it's guaranteed to appear (along with Bugs and Space Oddities - might be time to (SPOILERS) get Area 51 into a deck). And 15 Energy/Turn is a decent amount to play with every turn, so you've got a lot of flexibility in your deckbuilding.
It truly must be the end of the world - we're finally featuring Molluscs, Worms and Water Bugs in a league and look what it's done to the rules graphic:
At least it's got a pretty chunky buff on the Oceans & Seas arena this week, and it's guaranteed to appear (along with Bugs and Space Oddities - might be time to (SPOILERS) get Area 51 into a deck). And 15 Energy/Turn is a decent amount to play with every turn, so you've got a lot of flexibility in your deckbuilding.
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