The Blemmyae are a mythical mystery known as the headless men.
A great option to have in your deck for if you lose your own head, as their ability only comes into effect when you’re losing the round!
For 4500 coins, you’ll get 8 cards with a 5% chance for one of those cards to be Blemmyae.
Head over to our social pages and join in the fun by editing a face onto a picture of a Blemmyae to win yourself some gems!
The Blemmyae are a mythical mystery known as the headless men.
A great option to have in your deck for if you lose your own head, as their ability only comes into effect when you’re losing the round!
For 4500 coins, you’ll get 8 cards with a 5% chance for one of those cards to be Blemmyae.
Head over to our social pages and join in the fun by editing a face onto a picture of a Blemmyae to win yourself some gems!
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