March 3, 2025


PSST: If you’re not up-to-date with our Resurrection shenanigans, check today’s earlier News post from the home screen! Here’s a look at the Collection Resurrection and Card Upgrade! packs, available in store all week.

Collection Resurrection

This week, we’re taking a look at West African Folklore, The Legend of Robin Hood and Volcanoes!

West African Folklore has some seriously cool content that we’re excited to add into the game today, such as the Aziza, a forest-dwelling people that offer good magic and guidance to those who cross their paths. We’re also releasing SIX new cards for The Legend of Robin Hood this week, with the first three joining today’s pack. Keep an eye out on those Merry Men - will they finally be viable?! And we have a couple of Volcanoes here to blast away the cobwebs, with Mauna Loa and Mount Tambora!

Card Upgrade!

In our Card Upgrade pack, the collections we’re focusing on are Omnivores, Legends of the Old West, Hidden Gems, Fancy Fashions, Cool Cats and Space Oddities. Most of these collections are as old as CUE itself, and unfortunately their age is starting to show. However! We have a 17-card strong Balance Update to help level the playing field, including the already-previously-buffed Megaraptor, Buffalo Bill and Rose Quartz!

All 14 cards of the Limited Epic or Limited Legendary rarity from this balance patch are available in this week’s Card Upgrade pack!


(Please note: a statline within the name of the card indicates a change to base stats)

Megaraptor - Limited Legendary

Was: :return: Your Herbivores and Omnivores cards, wherever they are, gain +14:power: and cost -1:energy: until played.

Now: :return: Your Herbivores and Omnivores cards, wherever they are, gain +21:power: and cost -1:energy: until played.

Anchisaurus - Limited Epic

Was: :return: If you lost the turn, gain +35:power/turn: next turn and your Paleontology cards, wherever they are, gain +10:power: next turn.

Now: :return: If you lost the turn, gain +35:power/turn: next turn and your non-Limited Paleontology cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: this round.

Gigantoraptor - Legendary

Was: :return: If you won the turn, this card gains +30:power: permanently.

Now: :return: If you won the turn, this card gains +60:power: permanently.

Buffalo Bill - Limited Legendary

Was: :draw: Your Legends of the Old West cards, wherever they are, gain +12:power: for 4 turns and if you are losing the round, gain an additional +25:power: for 4 turns.

Now: :draw: Your Legends of the Old West cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: for 4 turns and if you are losing the round, gain an additional +15:power: for 4 turns.

O.K. Corral - Limited Epic

Was: :play: Your Legends of the Old West cards in hand gain +15:power: this turn and two opponent's random cards in hand lose -9:power: this turn.

Now: :play: Your Legends of the Old West cards in hand gain +30:power: this turn and three opponent's random cards in hand lose -30:power: this turn.

Pistol Pete - Legendary - (4 / 30)

Was: :draw: Your Legends of the Old West cards in hand gain +35:power: this turn.

Now: -

Rose Quartz - Limited Legendary

Was: :play: If played next to any Hidden Gems card, your Science cards, wherever they are, gain +18:power: this round.

Now: :play: If played next to any Hidden Gems card, your Science cards, wherever they are, gain +18:power: this round, and your Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain an additional +17 Power this round.

Rhodonite - Limited Epic

Was: :play: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +18:power: until played.

Now: :play: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +21:power: until played.

Gold-Ringed Cat Snake - Limited Epic

Was: :return: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Cool Cats and Cute Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: this round.

Now: :return: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Cool Cats and Cute Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +21:power: until played.

Tanzanite  - Limited Rare

Was: :draw: Your Rare Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +14:power: until played.

Now: :draw: Your Rare Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: until played.

Smoking Jacket - Limited Epic

Was: :turnstart: Your Fancy Fashions cards in hand gain +6:power: until played.

Now: :turnstart: Your Fancy Fashions cards in hand gain +6:power: permanently.

Ilulissat Icefjord - Limited Epic

Was: :play: Your Rare Fancy Fashions, Rare Instrumental and Rare Gorgeous Graphic Design cards, wherever they are, gain +16:power: permanently.

Now: :play: Your Rare Fancy Fashions, Rare Instrumental and Rare Gorgeous Graphic Design cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: permanently.

Chinoiserie - Limited Epic

Was: :return: If your deck has 5 or more Chinese Folklore cards, your Fancy Fashions, Gorgeous Graphic Design and Grand Designs cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Now: :return: If your deck has 2 or more Chinese Folklore cards, your Fancy Fashions, Gorgeous Graphic Design and Grand Designs cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Tiger Stripes - Limited Legendary

Was: :play: If your deck has 4 or more Space cards, your Cool Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Now: :play: Your Cool Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Smilodon - Limited Legendary

Was: :play: Your Cool Cats cards in hand gain +30:power: until played.

Now: :play: Your Cool Cats cards in hand gain +40:power: until played.

Southern Local Supervoid - Limited Legendary - (5 / 0)

Was: :play: If you have played no Space Oddities cards this game, your Space Oddities cards, wherever they are, gain +25:power: permanently.

Now: :play: If it's the first turn of the Round, your Space Oddities cards, wherever they are, gain +25:power: permanently.

Primordial Black Hole - Limited Epic

Was: :play: If it's Round 1, your Common, Rare and Epic Space Oddities and your Common, Rare and Epic Forces of the Universe cards, wherever they are, gain +28:power: until played.

Now: :play: If it's the first turn of the Round, your Common, Rare and Epic Space Oddities and your Common, Rare and Epic Forces of the Universe cards, wherever they are, gain +28:power: until played.

Deinocheirus - Common (4/80)

Massospondylus - Common (8/86)

Pelecanimimus - Common (5/61)

Ornithomimus - Common (5/61)

Yangchuanosaurus - Common (6/68)

Citpati - Common (3/39)

Plateosaurus (Rare) (6/49)

Rockabilly (Limited Rare) (6/60)

Balaclava (Limited Rare) (4/54)

March 3, 2025


PSST: If you’re not up-to-date with our Resurrection shenanigans, check today’s earlier News post from the home screen! Here’s a look at the Collection Resurrection and Card Upgrade! packs, available in store all week.

Collection Resurrection

This week, we’re taking a look at West African Folklore, The Legend of Robin Hood and Volcanoes!

West African Folklore has some seriously cool content that we’re excited to add into the game today, such as the Aziza, a forest-dwelling people that offer good magic and guidance to those who cross their paths. We’re also releasing SIX new cards for The Legend of Robin Hood this week, with the first three joining today’s pack. Keep an eye out on those Merry Men - will they finally be viable?! And we have a couple of Volcanoes here to blast away the cobwebs, with Mauna Loa and Mount Tambora!

Card Upgrade!

In our Card Upgrade pack, the collections we’re focusing on are Omnivores, Legends of the Old West, Hidden Gems, Fancy Fashions, Cool Cats and Space Oddities. Most of these collections are as old as CUE itself, and unfortunately their age is starting to show. However! We have a 17-card strong Balance Update to help level the playing field, including the already-previously-buffed Megaraptor, Buffalo Bill and Rose Quartz!

All 14 cards of the Limited Epic or Limited Legendary rarity from this balance patch are available in this week’s Card Upgrade pack!


(Please note: a statline within the name of the card indicates a change to base stats)

Megaraptor - Limited Legendary

Was: :return: Your Herbivores and Omnivores cards, wherever they are, gain +14:power: and cost -1:energy: until played.

Now: :return: Your Herbivores and Omnivores cards, wherever they are, gain +21:power: and cost -1:energy: until played.

Anchisaurus - Limited Epic

Was: :return: If you lost the turn, gain +35:power/turn: next turn and your Paleontology cards, wherever they are, gain +10:power: next turn.

Now: :return: If you lost the turn, gain +35:power/turn: next turn and your non-Limited Paleontology cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: this round.

Gigantoraptor - Legendary

Was: :return: If you won the turn, this card gains +30:power: permanently.

Now: :return: If you won the turn, this card gains +60:power: permanently.

Buffalo Bill - Limited Legendary

Was: :draw: Your Legends of the Old West cards, wherever they are, gain +12:power: for 4 turns and if you are losing the round, gain an additional +25:power: for 4 turns.

Now: :draw: Your Legends of the Old West cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: for 4 turns and if you are losing the round, gain an additional +15:power: for 4 turns.

O.K. Corral - Limited Epic

Was: :play: Your Legends of the Old West cards in hand gain +15:power: this turn and two opponent's random cards in hand lose -9:power: this turn.

Now: :play: Your Legends of the Old West cards in hand gain +30:power: this turn and three opponent's random cards in hand lose -30:power: this turn.

Pistol Pete - Legendary - (4 / 30)

Was: :draw: Your Legends of the Old West cards in hand gain +35:power: this turn.

Now: -

Rose Quartz - Limited Legendary

Was: :play: If played next to any Hidden Gems card, your Science cards, wherever they are, gain +18:power: this round.

Now: :play: If played next to any Hidden Gems card, your Science cards, wherever they are, gain +18:power: this round, and your Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain an additional +17 Power this round.

Rhodonite - Limited Epic

Was: :play: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +18:power: until played.

Now: :play: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +21:power: until played.

Gold-Ringed Cat Snake - Limited Epic

Was: :return: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Cool Cats and Cute Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: this round.

Now: :return: If your deck has 5 or more Hidden Gems cards, your Cool Cats and Cute Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +21:power: until played.

Tanzanite  - Limited Rare

Was: :draw: Your Rare Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +14:power: until played.

Now: :draw: Your Rare Hidden Gems cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: until played.

Smoking Jacket - Limited Epic

Was: :turnstart: Your Fancy Fashions cards in hand gain +6:power: until played.

Now: :turnstart: Your Fancy Fashions cards in hand gain +6:power: permanently.

Ilulissat Icefjord - Limited Epic

Was: :play: Your Rare Fancy Fashions, Rare Instrumental and Rare Gorgeous Graphic Design cards, wherever they are, gain +16:power: permanently.

Now: :play: Your Rare Fancy Fashions, Rare Instrumental and Rare Gorgeous Graphic Design cards, wherever they are, gain +20:power: permanently.

Chinoiserie - Limited Epic

Was: :return: If your deck has 5 or more Chinese Folklore cards, your Fancy Fashions, Gorgeous Graphic Design and Grand Designs cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Now: :return: If your deck has 2 or more Chinese Folklore cards, your Fancy Fashions, Gorgeous Graphic Design and Grand Designs cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Tiger Stripes - Limited Legendary

Was: :play: If your deck has 4 or more Space cards, your Cool Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Now: :play: Your Cool Cats cards, wherever they are, gain +22:power: until played.

Smilodon - Limited Legendary

Was: :play: Your Cool Cats cards in hand gain +30:power: until played.

Now: :play: Your Cool Cats cards in hand gain +40:power: until played.

Southern Local Supervoid - Limited Legendary - (5 / 0)

Was: :play: If you have played no Space Oddities cards this game, your Space Oddities cards, wherever they are, gain +25:power: permanently.

Now: :play: If it's the first turn of the Round, your Space Oddities cards, wherever they are, gain +25:power: permanently.

Primordial Black Hole - Limited Epic

Was: :play: If it's Round 1, your Common, Rare and Epic Space Oddities and your Common, Rare and Epic Forces of the Universe cards, wherever they are, gain +28:power: until played.

Now: :play: If it's the first turn of the Round, your Common, Rare and Epic Space Oddities and your Common, Rare and Epic Forces of the Universe cards, wherever they are, gain +28:power: until played.

Deinocheirus - Common (4/80)

Massospondylus - Common (8/86)

Pelecanimimus - Common (5/61)

Ornithomimus - Common (5/61)

Yangchuanosaurus - Common (6/68)

Citpati - Common (3/39)

Plateosaurus (Rare) (6/49)

Rockabilly (Limited Rare) (6/60)

Balaclava (Limited Rare) (4/54)