July 25, 2024

Decks Aflame!

9:00 UTC

Look after yourself with the Memento Mori pack. Featuring 4400 Gems, 150,000 Coins, 8 Random Limiteds, 4 Limited Epics and 4 Limited Legendaries.

Make your rise extra fiery with the Fire and Flame pack. Containing 3 Limited Rares or better, 2 Limited Epics or better and 1 Limited Legendary.

July 25, 2024

Decks Aflame!

9:00 UTC

Look after yourself with the Memento Mori pack. Featuring 4400 Gems, 150,000 Coins, 8 Random Limiteds, 4 Limited Epics and 4 Limited Legendaries.

Make your rise extra fiery with the Fire and Flame pack. Containing 3 Limited Rares or better, 2 Limited Epics or better and 1 Limited Legendary.