December 28, 2022

Dungeons and Dreadful Things

9:00 UTC

If you’re running low on gems and coins, the Fill Your Cup, Fill Your Boots and Fill Your Coffers packs will have you feeling rich again in no time. Plus, there’s plenty of Limited cards too!

12:00 UTC

Get ready to enter the arena with 4 new Mythical Creatures cards. These beasts have scrambled out of the dungeon only briefly though so get your hands on them quickly before they descend again! 

  • Revenant - beware the undead because, when drawn, reduce the power of your opponent’s cards in hand by -20 this turn.
  • Kobold - be nice to this little helper or things might turn nasty! When played next to Candles, give the opponent's cards -15 Power this turn.
  • Lich - things are going to get scary with these guys because, when drawn, if you are losing the round by 50 or more, gain +10 Power Per Turn permanently.Then, when played, if you have lost at least 1 round this game, gain +10 Power Per Turn permanently. And finally, when returned to your deck, if you lost the turn, gain +10 Power Per Turn permanently.
  • Golem - this animated clay creature will, when played, for every card in your deck with "Stone" in the name, (max of 5) give the card opposite this -15 Power until played.
December 28, 2022

Dungeons and Dreadful Things

9:00 UTC

If you’re running low on gems and coins, the Fill Your Cup, Fill Your Boots and Fill Your Coffers packs will have you feeling rich again in no time. Plus, there’s plenty of Limited cards too!

12:00 UTC

Get ready to enter the arena with 4 new Mythical Creatures cards. These beasts have scrambled out of the dungeon only briefly though so get your hands on them quickly before they descend again! 

  • Revenant - beware the undead because, when drawn, reduce the power of your opponent’s cards in hand by -20 this turn.
  • Kobold - be nice to this little helper or things might turn nasty! When played next to Candles, give the opponent's cards -15 Power this turn.
  • Lich - things are going to get scary with these guys because, when drawn, if you are losing the round by 50 or more, gain +10 Power Per Turn permanently.Then, when played, if you have lost at least 1 round this game, gain +10 Power Per Turn permanently. And finally, when returned to your deck, if you lost the turn, gain +10 Power Per Turn permanently.
  • Golem - this animated clay creature will, when played, for every card in your deck with "Stone" in the name, (max of 5) give the card opposite this -15 Power until played.