September 20, 2022

Heroes in a Half-Shell

Get ready to shell out for some cool cards today because from 12:00 UTC the 50/50 pack is offering up the chance for either the Archelon or the Psephoderma! The giant ancient Archelon will, when drawn, for every round completed in this game, give this card -15 Power permanently,  so better play it early before it goes extinct for up to 110 Power! Meanwhile, the double-shelled Psephoderma will, when played between any two cards, give your Monsters of the Deep cards +15 Power until played.

Watch out for ripples beneath the surface from 12:00 UTC because it might be the first of our THREE mighty Sea Serpent packs. This one has the chance for the dangerous Bukanawa which, when played with this week’s other two sea serpents, will give them both +15 Power this turn. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for the next two, which will be slipping through the waves later this week!

The usual Tuesday packs can be found pulling into the harbor throughout the day with Jewel of the Crown making land at 09:00 UTC and both the Booster Bundle pack and Pick ‘n’ Mix reaching port at 17:00 UTC. These are a great chance to stock up on rations of cards and gems before setting sail for the rest of the week.

From Midnight, if you happen to look up while you’re hanging out in the crow’s nest, you may spot the Nebulae pack above you and it brings with it the brand new card, the Lobster Nebula. When played alongside Crab Nebula, this card will give your Crustaceans cards +18 Power for four turns.

September 20, 2022

Heroes in a Half-Shell

Get ready to shell out for some cool cards today because from 12:00 UTC the 50/50 pack is offering up the chance for either the Archelon or the Psephoderma! The giant ancient Archelon will, when drawn, for every round completed in this game, give this card -15 Power permanently,  so better play it early before it goes extinct for up to 110 Power! Meanwhile, the double-shelled Psephoderma will, when played between any two cards, give your Monsters of the Deep cards +15 Power until played.

Watch out for ripples beneath the surface from 12:00 UTC because it might be the first of our THREE mighty Sea Serpent packs. This one has the chance for the dangerous Bukanawa which, when played with this week’s other two sea serpents, will give them both +15 Power this turn. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for the next two, which will be slipping through the waves later this week!

The usual Tuesday packs can be found pulling into the harbor throughout the day with Jewel of the Crown making land at 09:00 UTC and both the Booster Bundle pack and Pick ‘n’ Mix reaching port at 17:00 UTC. These are a great chance to stock up on rations of cards and gems before setting sail for the rest of the week.

From Midnight, if you happen to look up while you’re hanging out in the crow’s nest, you may spot the Nebulae pack above you and it brings with it the brand new card, the Lobster Nebula. When played alongside Crab Nebula, this card will give your Crustaceans cards +18 Power for four turns.