While we do have a brand new Crafted card this season, we couldn’t miss this opportunity to revisit last year’s narrative crafting adventure - Séance and the Bell Witch! These mini-games are hosted over on our page on itch.io and are entirely free to play! Today, we’ll be revisiting Séance and tomorrow we’ll return to the Bell Witch!
There’s still some free goodies hidden in here too so if you missed this game last year, now is your chance to summon something spooky.
Welcome foolish mortals, erm, we mean players. Séance, an oldie-but-goodie crafting card, is waiting to be summoned in Cards, the Universe and Everything but you'll have to make your way through the CUE Haunted House to find the recipe!
If you're new to crafted cards in Cards, the Universe and Everything, you're looking for the 9 card ingredients, which you can then pop into the app and find in order to craft Séance for yourself!
If you're old hat at this and have been crafting in CUE for years, we hope you enjoy this leisurely spooky tale. It's a little less brain-intensive as previous crafting recipes but we hope you enjoy the ride and you may even find a surprise along the way!
Please note that this little mini-game runs best on PC. If you're playing on mobile, it may cut off some of the image at the top but none of the text and that's what really matters so fear not! (The images at the top are just for vibes.)
While we do have a brand new Crafted card this season, we couldn’t miss this opportunity to revisit last year’s narrative crafting adventure - Séance and the Bell Witch! These mini-games are hosted over on our page on itch.io and are entirely free to play! Today, we’ll be revisiting Séance and tomorrow we’ll return to the Bell Witch!
There’s still some free goodies hidden in here too so if you missed this game last year, now is your chance to summon something spooky.
Welcome foolish mortals, erm, we mean players. Séance, an oldie-but-goodie crafting card, is waiting to be summoned in Cards, the Universe and Everything but you'll have to make your way through the CUE Haunted House to find the recipe!
If you're new to crafted cards in Cards, the Universe and Everything, you're looking for the 9 card ingredients, which you can then pop into the app and find in order to craft Séance for yourself!
If you're old hat at this and have been crafting in CUE for years, we hope you enjoy this leisurely spooky tale. It's a little less brain-intensive as previous crafting recipes but we hope you enjoy the ride and you may even find a surprise along the way!
Please note that this little mini-game runs best on PC. If you're playing on mobile, it may cut off some of the image at the top but none of the text and that's what really matters so fear not! (The images at the top are just for vibes.)
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