Check out all the awesome cards you could get in today's Spotlight Pack!
Look, we know, it's the final day of Around the World in 20 Cards. We're finishing our tour in Antarctica with the Antarctic Shag card, and we're trying to focus on anything else other than that, because, come on. It's a family app. So that card's out there, try not to do a weak little "pfffft" laugh noise when you open it.
The Spotlight Pack contains six Limited Legendary cards, handpicked because they're going to be pretty powerful during the Apocalypse Week League. Check out the rules here!
Check out all the awesome cards you could get in today's Spotlight Pack!
Look, we know, it's the final day of Around the World in 20 Cards. We're finishing our tour in Antarctica with the Antarctic Shag card, and we're trying to focus on anything else other than that, because, come on. It's a family app. So that card's out there, try not to do a weak little "pfffft" laugh noise when you open it.
The Spotlight Pack contains six Limited Legendary cards, handpicked because they're going to be pretty powerful during the Apocalypse Week League. Check out the rules here!
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