December 15, 2021



Have you SEEN the Angora Rabbit though?

OH EM GEE look at that thing - it looks like a teddy bear got into the machine from The Fly with a tub of cotton candy. They are not only figuratively TOO fluffy, but literally - their fur grows so quickly and so voluminously that they struggle to groom themselves!

And just for good measure, we made it so that it combos with Pika, another one of CUE's most adorable creatures. There is a very real chance that playing these two together can cause your opponents to squeal with amazement and spend a full minute fawning, missing a whole turn in an adorability stupor - that's an MLG strat, right there.

Elsewhere in CUE; there's a new Festive Traditions card to find! The Christmas Wafer, a Catholic tradition practised in Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia, is a flatbread that is broken up between a family on Christmas Eve. They share pieces of their own piece with the other members of the family to symbolise goodwill and wishes towards them. 

It's a lovely tradition; one that it's really tricky to relate to the delivery mechanism for the card in our game. I guess having Gem packs that each have a 5% chance to contain a Christmas Wafer card is kind of like we've broken up your options... for finding... the card... yeah that'll do publish story

December 15, 2021



Have you SEEN the Angora Rabbit though?

OH EM GEE look at that thing - it looks like a teddy bear got into the machine from The Fly with a tub of cotton candy. They are not only figuratively TOO fluffy, but literally - their fur grows so quickly and so voluminously that they struggle to groom themselves!

And just for good measure, we made it so that it combos with Pika, another one of CUE's most adorable creatures. There is a very real chance that playing these two together can cause your opponents to squeal with amazement and spend a full minute fawning, missing a whole turn in an adorability stupor - that's an MLG strat, right there.

Elsewhere in CUE; there's a new Festive Traditions card to find! The Christmas Wafer, a Catholic tradition practised in Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia, is a flatbread that is broken up between a family on Christmas Eve. They share pieces of their own piece with the other members of the family to symbolise goodwill and wishes towards them. 

It's a lovely tradition; one that it's really tricky to relate to the delivery mechanism for the card in our game. I guess having Gem packs that each have a 5% chance to contain a Christmas Wafer card is kind of like we've broken up your options... for finding... the card... yeah that'll do publish story