You might need some sunglasses because it’s looking bright in Psychedelic, Baby week. If groovy colors and way-out patterns are your vibe, then you’re in for a treat! Peace and love, man!
9:00 UTC
Expand your horizons with the Open Your Mind Card Back. Including an exclusive Card Back and 3 Limited Rares or better.
Add some drama to your profile with the Looking Good Avatar pack!
Pick up the first in this week’s daily Guaranteed Limited Legendary packs, with today’s card coming from Arts and Culture!
12:00 UTC
Bask in the glow of the Spotlight pack (and its 3 for 2 twin!). Includes a chance to pick up 1 of 6 Featured Limited Legendaries such as Rorschach Test, Payara or Voyager 1.
Find nature’s paint palette in the Natural Monuments pack!
Stock up on gems to start your week with the Pump It Up pack.
Midnight UTC
Find some underwater wonder with the Molluscs, Worms and Waterbugs pack!
Energy Rules:
Starting Energy: 20
Energy Per Turn: 16
Energy Cap: 64
Minimum Energy: 10
Collection Bonuses:
Fabulous Fish +80
Beautiful Butterflies +70
Futurology +60
Instrumental +50
The Solar System +50
Ancient Greece +50
You might need some sunglasses because it’s looking bright in Psychedelic, Baby week. If groovy colors and way-out patterns are your vibe, then you’re in for a treat! Peace and love, man!
9:00 UTC
Expand your horizons with the Open Your Mind Card Back. Including an exclusive Card Back and 3 Limited Rares or better.
Add some drama to your profile with the Looking Good Avatar pack!
Pick up the first in this week’s daily Guaranteed Limited Legendary packs, with today’s card coming from Arts and Culture!
12:00 UTC
Bask in the glow of the Spotlight pack (and its 3 for 2 twin!). Includes a chance to pick up 1 of 6 Featured Limited Legendaries such as Rorschach Test, Payara or Voyager 1.
Find nature’s paint palette in the Natural Monuments pack!
Stock up on gems to start your week with the Pump It Up pack.
Midnight UTC
Find some underwater wonder with the Molluscs, Worms and Waterbugs pack!
Energy Rules:
Starting Energy: 20
Energy Per Turn: 16
Energy Cap: 64
Minimum Energy: 10
Collection Bonuses:
Fabulous Fish +80
Beautiful Butterflies +70
Futurology +60
Instrumental +50
The Solar System +50
Ancient Greece +50
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