Is it…
a) an author who can write on many topics (like Wendy, our go-to card-writer)
b) a generalisation of a directed graph in mathematics (yes, of course I know what that means)
c) a duplicating device that lets you write two birthday cards at once
d) a lie detector
A: a, b, c and d.
If you answered any of the above, or indeed all of them, then give yourself a prize.
Struggling for prize ideas? Treat yourself to an Ingenious Inventions pack, and a chance to get your own Polygraph card. This card tells no lies - it gives a +42 boost to your remaining cards in hand as long as you win the turn.
There are three other great new additions to Ingenious Inventions - and of course gems such as Artificial Intelligence. Enjoy :)
Is it…
a) an author who can write on many topics (like Wendy, our go-to card-writer)
b) a generalisation of a directed graph in mathematics (yes, of course I know what that means)
c) a duplicating device that lets you write two birthday cards at once
d) a lie detector
A: a, b, c and d.
If you answered any of the above, or indeed all of them, then give yourself a prize.
Struggling for prize ideas? Treat yourself to an Ingenious Inventions pack, and a chance to get your own Polygraph card. This card tells no lies - it gives a +42 boost to your remaining cards in hand as long as you win the turn.
There are three other great new additions to Ingenious Inventions - and of course gems such as Artificial Intelligence. Enjoy :)
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