February 6, 2023

This is How Legends Are Made

Today we’re pulling the sword from the stone and taking down a monster or two because it’s Myths and Legends week. We hope you’re into the swing of the new pack formats but if you’re not, don’t worry, we’re here to help!

9:00 UTC

Kick your week off by making your decks look awe-inspiring with the Deck Sleeve pack. Including 1 Limited Legendary, 1 Limited Epic and a heroic deck sleeve that’ll make you look like a champion.

12:00 UTC

Another important change pops up today and that’s that the League Spotlight pack is making a move to Mondays so you can strengthen your decks right as the League begins! This week’s pack contains a chance for Featured Legendary cards like Reynisdrangar, Greek Fire and The Emperor (IV).

And speaking of the league…the League pack this week contains cards from Ancient Greece, Nebulae and Norse Mythology. As usual, you can find the rules below! Now go start building those decks and become a legend!

If you want to be a true hero this week, you’re going to want loot. The Spoils of Adventure pack contains enough gems, coins and Limited cards for the bards to sing songs about you for years to come!




There’s more Energy to play with, with a Starting Energy of 23, Energy per Turn of 17, an Energy Cap of 40, and finally no Energy Minimum this week!

Ancient Greece gets a massive +115 Power in its Arena this week, meaning the Seven Sages should pick up some big numbers, especially when teamed with Confucius.

Use the Ghost Nebula, Little Ghost Nebula and Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex to ramp up your Nebulae cards alongside its +80 Arena Boost, and try the Heart and Soul combo for pure Power, great for if you’re new to the game.

Tyr, the Wild Hunt and Muspelheim can help you to make the most of Norse Mythology’s +60 Power this week, while Odin’s massive support from Sleipnir is sure to delight and frustrate some players in this league in equal measures.

Hybrid Animals and Documented both get +55 Power this week in their respective Arenas, while Tarot gets +40 Power. Nice.

February 6, 2023

This is How Legends Are Made

Today we’re pulling the sword from the stone and taking down a monster or two because it’s Myths and Legends week. We hope you’re into the swing of the new pack formats but if you’re not, don’t worry, we’re here to help!

9:00 UTC

Kick your week off by making your decks look awe-inspiring with the Deck Sleeve pack. Including 1 Limited Legendary, 1 Limited Epic and a heroic deck sleeve that’ll make you look like a champion.

12:00 UTC

Another important change pops up today and that’s that the League Spotlight pack is making a move to Mondays so you can strengthen your decks right as the League begins! This week’s pack contains a chance for Featured Legendary cards like Reynisdrangar, Greek Fire and The Emperor (IV).

And speaking of the league…the League pack this week contains cards from Ancient Greece, Nebulae and Norse Mythology. As usual, you can find the rules below! Now go start building those decks and become a legend!

If you want to be a true hero this week, you’re going to want loot. The Spoils of Adventure pack contains enough gems, coins and Limited cards for the bards to sing songs about you for years to come!




There’s more Energy to play with, with a Starting Energy of 23, Energy per Turn of 17, an Energy Cap of 40, and finally no Energy Minimum this week!

Ancient Greece gets a massive +115 Power in its Arena this week, meaning the Seven Sages should pick up some big numbers, especially when teamed with Confucius.

Use the Ghost Nebula, Little Ghost Nebula and Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex to ramp up your Nebulae cards alongside its +80 Arena Boost, and try the Heart and Soul combo for pure Power, great for if you’re new to the game.

Tyr, the Wild Hunt and Muspelheim can help you to make the most of Norse Mythology’s +60 Power this week, while Odin’s massive support from Sleipnir is sure to delight and frustrate some players in this league in equal measures.

Hybrid Animals and Documented both get +55 Power this week in their respective Arenas, while Tarot gets +40 Power. Nice.