We’re starting the week with a single note on a piano that’ll make every elder emo raise their head in excitement because we’re off to join the Black Parade. Put on an unimaginable amount of eye liner, dye your hair Manic Panic black and have your favorite studded belt (with oversized chain that you’ll get caught on everything) at the ready, we’re heading into the city.
But first...a message from AvidTobes!
Hey peeps, AvidTobes here with an update regarding the music you’ve been hearing in CUE, and will hear in future.
CUE, for as long as it has been around, has relied on licensed stock soundtracks to create atmosphere and immersion, and they have done a reasonable job. But as developers we want to do better, and we want what is best for you. Video game soundtracks shape the games we play, the memories we take away from those games, and even our taste in music. And ideally this might apply when you’re playing CUE too.
So with that in mind, I’m incredibly excited to finally present a completely overhauled soundtrack for Cards, the Universe and Everything - complete with a neat little motif running through it all! Here's a link so you can have a listen to the new Theme tune! Keep it CUE!
9:00 UTC
First up this week, because it really couldn’t be anything else is the brand new fusion card, the Marching Band. This troop of talented musicians will, while in your hand, at the start of each turn, give your Instrumental cards in-hand +4 Power until played.
Open up the Oh My Goth! Card Back pack to have your decks looking gloriously dark and moody. Black truly is such a happy color.
12:00 UTC
We’re sure you could have guessed that this week we’d be head over heels for Gothic architecture so pick up the Wonders of Construction pack for 2 stunning structures that’ll make you swoon with goth joy.
This week’s League pack contains cards from Dogs, Machines of War and Carnivores and you can find the League rules below! There's also today's League Spotlight (in both regular and 3 for 2 varieties) including a chance for featured Limited Legendaries like Crystal Red Shrimp, James VI and I, and The Fool!
Fill up on coins, gems and Limited cards with the Back to Black pack!
Midnight UTC
If you’re up late, writing sad songs and painting even sadder portraits, you might spot the Herbivores pack, which contains new card Einiosaurus. These big guys will, when played, for every Herbivores card in your hand, give all of your Herbivores cards +5 Power for 2 turns. For every non-Herbivores card in your hand, give all of your Herbivores cards -5 Power for 2 turns.
With a Starting Energy of 25, an Energy Per Turn of 25 and an Energy Cap of 50, this plethora of Energy means there is no Minimum Energy this week!
Dog lovers rejoice as this cute collection picks up +90 Power, and this deck isn’t short of collection boosts. From the Corgi’s +18 Power until played to the Citrine Wagtails’ +33 Power this turn, there are so many ways to fill this deck.
Less cute is the Machines of War collection, which also picks up +90 Power, alongside Round and Turn boosts from the second horseman, War, Björn Ironside and M4 Sherman.
We’re sure to see some Carnivores this week, as this high Energy deck is perfect for an Energy ruleset like this, especially as it picks up an extra +70 Power in the Paleontology arena. The Cretaceous Period, Tyrannotitan and Siamotyrannus all fit into a sweet mono-Paleo deck, where cards like Jurassic Coast, Mapusaurus and Acrocanthosaurus can bring the heat.
Tarot, Lost Treasures and Nebulae all also get +50 Power in their respective arenas this week.
We’re starting the week with a single note on a piano that’ll make every elder emo raise their head in excitement because we’re off to join the Black Parade. Put on an unimaginable amount of eye liner, dye your hair Manic Panic black and have your favorite studded belt (with oversized chain that you’ll get caught on everything) at the ready, we’re heading into the city.
But first...a message from AvidTobes!
Hey peeps, AvidTobes here with an update regarding the music you’ve been hearing in CUE, and will hear in future.
CUE, for as long as it has been around, has relied on licensed stock soundtracks to create atmosphere and immersion, and they have done a reasonable job. But as developers we want to do better, and we want what is best for you. Video game soundtracks shape the games we play, the memories we take away from those games, and even our taste in music. And ideally this might apply when you’re playing CUE too.
So with that in mind, I’m incredibly excited to finally present a completely overhauled soundtrack for Cards, the Universe and Everything - complete with a neat little motif running through it all! Here's a link so you can have a listen to the new Theme tune! Keep it CUE!
9:00 UTC
First up this week, because it really couldn’t be anything else is the brand new fusion card, the Marching Band. This troop of talented musicians will, while in your hand, at the start of each turn, give your Instrumental cards in-hand +4 Power until played.
Open up the Oh My Goth! Card Back pack to have your decks looking gloriously dark and moody. Black truly is such a happy color.
12:00 UTC
We’re sure you could have guessed that this week we’d be head over heels for Gothic architecture so pick up the Wonders of Construction pack for 2 stunning structures that’ll make you swoon with goth joy.
This week’s League pack contains cards from Dogs, Machines of War and Carnivores and you can find the League rules below! There's also today's League Spotlight (in both regular and 3 for 2 varieties) including a chance for featured Limited Legendaries like Crystal Red Shrimp, James VI and I, and The Fool!
Fill up on coins, gems and Limited cards with the Back to Black pack!
Midnight UTC
If you’re up late, writing sad songs and painting even sadder portraits, you might spot the Herbivores pack, which contains new card Einiosaurus. These big guys will, when played, for every Herbivores card in your hand, give all of your Herbivores cards +5 Power for 2 turns. For every non-Herbivores card in your hand, give all of your Herbivores cards -5 Power for 2 turns.
With a Starting Energy of 25, an Energy Per Turn of 25 and an Energy Cap of 50, this plethora of Energy means there is no Minimum Energy this week!
Dog lovers rejoice as this cute collection picks up +90 Power, and this deck isn’t short of collection boosts. From the Corgi’s +18 Power until played to the Citrine Wagtails’ +33 Power this turn, there are so many ways to fill this deck.
Less cute is the Machines of War collection, which also picks up +90 Power, alongside Round and Turn boosts from the second horseman, War, Björn Ironside and M4 Sherman.
We’re sure to see some Carnivores this week, as this high Energy deck is perfect for an Energy ruleset like this, especially as it picks up an extra +70 Power in the Paleontology arena. The Cretaceous Period, Tyrannotitan and Siamotyrannus all fit into a sweet mono-Paleo deck, where cards like Jurassic Coast, Mapusaurus and Acrocanthosaurus can bring the heat.
Tarot, Lost Treasures and Nebulae all also get +50 Power in their respective arenas this week.
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