CUE Cards
Battle, Collect and Trade cards from all over the universe!

Dall's Porpoise

Dall’s Porpoise had an ace up his sleeve. When darkness fell, he whispered secrets through the water, using narrow-band, high-frequency clicks.

In the dim-lit streets of Pacific City, Dall was no ordinary player. Short and stout, his black and white getup often had him mistaken for a young gun named Orca. But Dall had something Orca didn't: dark, mysterious irises that shimmered blue-green, hiding secrets deeper than the ocean's abyss.

With the looming shadows of killer whales stalking every move, survival was a high stakes game. But Dall’s Porpoise had an ace up his sleeve. When darkness fell, he whispered secrets through the water, using narrow-band, high-frequency clicks. And when he charged through the murky waters close to the surface, a signature “rooster tail”  bow wave trailed behind. In this world of predators and prey, Dall danced on the razor's edge, a spectre in the silent war beneath the waves.

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