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It sounds like a rare disease one might catch from reading too much philosophy, but don’t worry: achieving ‘Eudaimonia’ is a good thing.

It sounds like a rare disease one might catch from reading too much philosophy, but don’t worry: achieving ‘Eudaimonia’ is a good thing. In his Nicomachean Ethics (1095a15–22) Aristotle says that eudaimonia means 'doing and living well'. While there’s no exact translation of the Ancient Greek term, the closest English word for eudaimonia is probably “flourishing.”

But let’s be crystal clear: this isn't the sort of flourishing that comes from striking it rich or stepping on others as you scramble up the corporate jungle gym. Think less "living the dream" and indulging every whim (sorry retail therapy), and more embodying the best version of yourself. Some scholars believe Aristotle used eudaimonia to explain why some rich Athenians, despite having everything money could buy, still seemed perpetually miserable.

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