The Titan god of fire Prometheus defied the gods and stole fire from them to give to humanity. Prometheus had given humans fire in the first place, so he knew it was essential to our survival (and camping routines).
Can you imagine life without fire? What ever would we sing songs around and toast marshmallows over?! It doesn’t bear thinking about. Thankfully, the Titan god of fire Prometheus defied the gods and stole fire from them to give to humanity. Prometheus had given humans fire in the first place, so he knew it was essential to our survival (and camping routines).
Of course, Zeus wasn’t best pleased. Ever a fan of creative torture, he tied Prometheus to a rock and sent an eagle to eat his liver, which was seen as the seat of human emotions in ancient Greece. Every night, his liver would grow back, only to be devoured by the same eagle the next day in a horrifying ongoing cycle.
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