CUE Cards
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Meet Albertonykus, the pint-sized prehistoric predator part of an unusual theropod group known as the Alvarezsauridie.

Meet Albertonykus, the pint-sized prehistoric predator part of an unusual theropod group known as the Alvarezsauridie. This little devil may have only been three and a half feet long, but don't let its diminutive stature fool you - Albertonykus was a fierce hunter, with razor-sharp claws and an appetite for tasty insect prey.  

Its long, slender legs and compact body made it the perfect bug-hunting machine. Sure, it may not have been able to take down triceratops, but when it comes to ants and wood-nesting termites, Albertonykus was a formidable exterminator.

Until the 1990s, no one knew that dinosaurs like Albertonykus existed. Its discovery expanded our understanding of dinosaur diversity and behaviour during the Late Cretaceous period roughly 70 million years ago.

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