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Given the size difference between humans and spiders, Arachnophobia seems illogical—but the origins of it may be deeply ingrained.

They’re more afraid of you than you are of them! But let’s be honest, that doesn’t stop the terror from taking hold when an eight-legged creature crawls across the room. Given the size difference between humans and spiders, Arachnophobia seems illogical—but the origins of it may be deeply ingrained.

Some scientists suggest it’s an evolutionary response, passed down from ancestors who learned to avoid venomous species. Around 3-6% of people suffer from this intense fear, making it one of the most common phobias worldwide. Even images of spiders can trigger a fight-or-flight response.

While most spiders are harmless and even beneficial (they keep pest populations in check!), that rarely helps when one shows up uninvited. Exposure therapy works wonders—but honestly, most would prefer just burning the house down.

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