The Arecibo Message: A fascinating sequence of binary pulses from a tiny, blue planet called Earth, 25,000 light-years in the backward arm of the Milky Way.
Zorblatt, come quickly! We've intercepted a fascinating sequence of binary pulses from a tiny, blue planet called Earth, 25,000 light-years in the backward arm of the Milky Way. It seems to be called the Arecibo Message... Ah, the charming naivety! They’ve sent us their numerical system, the elemental makeup of their genetic code, even a depiction of their form—bipedal and averaging what they consider 5'9" in height. Miniscule, Zorblatt!
They’ve even given us a map of their solar system - and here’s the grand touch: a diagram of their messaging device, a massive radio telescope. Massive to them, at least! Are they flexing their technological muscles, or are they trying to connect?! We must monitor this intriguing blue planet, Zorblatt. Who knows what else these Earthlings might send our way?
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