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Bélmez Faces

If you ever needed an excuse not to deep clean the floor, the Bélmez Faces faces are it.

If you ever needed an excuse not to deep clean the floor, the Bélmez Faces faces are it. No one expects to scrub floor tiles and see the anguished faces of the deceased staring back at them - but that’s what happened to the Pereira family in 1971. One day, eerie faces began appearing on the floor of their home in Bélmez, Spain. Thinking it was a simple case of Pareidolia, they buffed out the floor - but to their horror, new faces began appearing underneath.

When they dug up the concrete, they discovered that their house was built on top of a graveyard. Scientists say the Bélmez Faces were a result of a chemical reaction involving the concrete and organic compounds, but despite numerous studies, no conclusive explanation has satisfied both sceptics and believers.

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