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Clown Egg Register

The first rule of clown club? No clown should copy another clown’s look. To ensure every clown's look is unique, there's the Clown Egg Register.

The first rule of clown club? No clown should copy another clown’s look. This is serious business. Break the rule and you might end up with a custard pie in the face. To ensure every clown's look is unique, there's the Clown Egg Register.

Started by a man named Stan Bult, a chemist and founder of Clowns International, the register began with Bult drawing the faces of club members and famous clowns onto chicken eggs back in the 1940s. Since then, the tradition has evolved into a unique form of Clown Copyright.

Each egg in the register captures a clown’s distinct personality and style, from rosy cheeks to exaggerated eyebrows. Today, the register boasts over 250 eggs and continues to grow, preserving the art and individuality of clowning for future generations.

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