The Page of Wands is the person in your group chat who's always pitching things like, "Guys, let's start a podcast about underwater basket weaving!"
The Page of Wands is basically the person in your group chat who's always pitching the next big thing—like, "Guys, let's start a podcast about underwater basket weaving!" This card is all about that spark of enthusiasm, that rush of "Let's do this!" energy. It pops up when you’re ready to dive headfirst into a new venture, whether it's finally launching that Etsy store for your knitted taco holders or deciding to backpack across Europe.
When the Page of Wands appears reversed, it’s like being all hyped up with nowhere to go. It’s the plans that fizzle out, the projects gathering dust and the relationships that don’t thrill you like they used to. Take this as a nudge to take a breather and rekindle your passion before the whole thing burns out.
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