CUE Cards
Battle, Collect and Trade cards from all over the universe!


Programmers are the unsung architects who bring every button, feature, and screen to life.

Think a game just magically appears on screen? Think again. Programmers are the unsung architects who bring every button, feature, and screen to life. They’re the ones taking abstract concepts from designers and artists, wrestling them into code, and making sure players can actually play the game, and not just look at a pretty loading screen. In other words, programmers juggle logic, creativity, and a near-mythic level of patience to keep everything running.

At CUE, we have a coding team who occasionally put down their cuppas down long enough to implement the UI, build features, and squish a bunch of bugs. From making the interface look slick to ensuring each card tap works, they handle it all (with only a bit of complaining).

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