Attention, visitors! Behind this triple-reinforced containment unit sits our facility's most dangerous prisoner: the Red Velvet Ant.
Attention, visitors! Behind this triple-reinforced containment unit sits our facility's most dangerous prisoner: the Red Velvet Ant. Don't let the pretty colours fool you. This parasitoid wasp, also known as "Cow Killer," has earned lifetime solitary confinement for inflicting pain so severe our toughest guards have dropped to their knees.
Female subjects demonstrate exceptional evasion techniques. Their reinforced exoskeletons resist standard restraint methods. When cornered, they emit warning sounds before deploying their weapon – a sting that violates multiple Geneva conventions. Their reproduction remains our highest security concern. They escape confinement, infiltrate host nests and implant biological weapons. The resulting grubs execute their hosts from within.
With unmatched speed, chemical arsenal and that signature sting, these prisoners have one objective: survival regardless of collateral damage. No parole hearings scheduled. Ever.
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