Their name suggests a thirst for blood, but don’t worry - you don’t need to wave garlic at the Vampire Crab or drive a stake through its carapace.
Their name suggests a thirst for blood, but don’t worry - you don’t need to wave garlic at the Vampire Crab or drive a stake through its carapace. In fact, it’s so-called because of its glowing yellow eyes. Even if you did want to slay it Buffy style, you’d have a hard time, as these crabs only reach 2 inches when fully grown, including their legs.
While they do favour more substantial snacks like shrimp or bloodworm, these spooktacular creatures aren’t fussy. In the wild, they’ll settle for woodlice or even plant matter. In general, vampire crabs are cool with each other, but aren’t the most forthcoming to crabs of a different breed and won’t hesitate to start a fight if they feel threatened.
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