If you choose to name your child “huge monster”, don’t be surprised if they turn out to be a giant sea serpent. That’s the meaning of the name “Jörmungandr”
If you choose to name your child “huge monster”, don’t be surprised if they turn out to be a giant sea serpent. That’s the meaning of the name “Jörmungandr”, but given that this creature was the child of trickster god Loki and Angrboða, the “mother of monsters”, its form isn’t too surprising.
According to the Prose Edda, Odin took Loki’s three children by Angrboða and threw Jörmungandr into the sea that encircled Midgard. Jörmungandr kept growing until it was so large it could surround the Earth and grasp its own tail with its mouth.
Norse legends say that when the Ragnarok (apocalypse) approaches, the sea will flood and the serpent will thrash onto the land, spraying poison into the air and water. Rising sea levels just got scarier.
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